Tagen, Übernachten, Events in der Villa Ingrid

Die Villa Ingrid befindet sich in einem ruhigen Weimarer Villenviertel. Die Innenstadt und Parks mit ihren Kulturdenkmälern erreicht man zu Fuß in ca. 5 - 10 Minuten. Aus München, Frankfurt oder Berlin reisen Sie über den ICE-Knoten Erfurt in ca. 2,5 h an.  ...

Für Ihre Meetings, Workshops und sonstigen Veranstaltungen stehen Konferenzräume für 4 bis 50 Personen sowie ein Kaminzimmer zur Verfügung. ...

Unsere komfortablen Zimmer und Apartments sind in zeitlosem Stil eingerichtet und modern ausgestattet.  ....

Haben Sie das Bedürfnis nach einem Rückzug von Lärm, Stress und oberflächlichen Ablenkungen? Entdecken Sie die Villa Ingrid als einen Ort, an dem Sie Ruhe, innere Kraft und Klarheit finden.  ...



With a rich knowledge about Weimar and the region we will make your stay in Weimar to become an unforgetable experience. 


Weimar offers a unique combination of art and culture and countless opportunities to discover the city's culture. Walk in the footsteps of the famous composers Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner, the influential poets Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller, or walk around the enchanting old town. No wonder people say Weimar has personality. Its countless famous residents and large number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites give the city a distinctive flair that simply has to be experienced to be believed.    

Palaces and parks, museums and monuments - the list of Weimars sights is splendidly long. Small but great: museums, palaces, parks and gardens- to discover Weimar's past means discover Germany's history. To visit every museum in Weimar – you need a lot of time. In a city of 65.000 inhabitants we have more than 20 museums. 

Weimar has as many as two entries in UNESCO’s World Heritage List: Classical Weimar and Bauhaus Sites in Weimar. 

The Park on the River Ilm is a place for intellectual activity, relaxation and entertainment - both in the past and the present. Goethe sought the closeness to nature - and found it. 

Goethe National Museum Goethe's Home and the Goethe National Museum on Frauenplan provide the most important evidence of the Weimar classics. Goethe spent 50 years of his life here. Shortly after the death of Goethe’s last grandson Walther, Goethe’s historic house and his art and nature collections passed on to the trusteeship of the Goethe National Museum, founded in 1885. Two museum buildings were built in 1913 and 1935 to accommodate the steadily growing collection.  The Goethe National Museum is situated in the same building as Goethe's Home. 

The Bauhaus-Museum displays a selection of the collection of works by the Bauhaus that was founded in Weimar in 1919 and caused a worldwide furore in design and architecture. The Bauhaus Museum Weimar with its exhibition of more than 300 objects offers insights into the development of the State Bauhaus in the place in which it was founded, namely in Weimar. The Am Horn House by Georg Muche is the only example of Bauhaus architecture in Weimar and was built in connection with the first major Bauhaus exhibition in 1923. 

The City Palace is a magnificent ducal residence and houses the former grand-ducal art collection dating from the Middle Ages until Modernity around 1900.
The sumptuous rooms of the Palace Museum are just as impressive as the collection of first-class European art spanning the period from the Middle Ages and the Reformation to the beginning of the twentieth century. The building was once the seat of government and residence of dukes and grand dukes.

Anna Amalia Bibliothek (Historical Library)
Anna Amalia had the ‘Green Palace’ turned into a library comprising a unique combination of books, an art collection and architecture. The Rococo Hall is especially famous. After the library was hit by a devastating fire in September 2004, it was reopened in December 2007 as the jewel of Weimar's museums. The Rokoko hall at the Herzogin (historical library) that once again gleams in new splendour. There are one million volumes at the new and old library.

Goethe-Schiller Archive
Modelled on the Petit Trianon in the Park of Versailles, Grand Duchess Sophie had the oldest literature archive in Germany built to preserve handwritten manuscripts by Goethe and Schiller. The stocks in the library are made available for research purposes – either in the original or as a copy on film.

Buchenwald memorial is an important venue to recall the crimes committed during the Nazi period. 500,000 visitors come here every year. The infamous Nazi concentration camp known as Buchenwald existed between 1937 and 1945 on Ettersberg. 

Municipal Museum
Weimar Town Museum in Bertuch House shows the history of Weimar in the time from 1919. The rooms on the ground floor are occasionally open for the various exhibitions and public lectures organised by the museum’s Association of Friends and Patrons. 

Museum of Contemporary Art
This prestigious neo-Renaissance building was formerly the Grand Ducal Museum but is now the home of the Museum of Contemporary Art. The celebrated artists Daniel Buren and Sol Le Witt were involved in its elaborate refurbishment.

Museum of the Earliest and Ancient History of Thuringia
Thuringia – an important cultural region– since the very beginning of human settlements, it was the home to a mix of numerous cultures, ethnic groups and peoples such as the Celts, Germans, Slavs or Franks, which is also a reflection of early European history.


A stay in the private hotel Villa Ingrid in Weimar is the fulfillment of a dream

When visiting Villa Ingrid in Weimar, you may choose between 4 uniquely equipped non-smoking apartments from 1 – 3 bed rooms with an extraordinary atmosphere for an unforgettable stay in Weimar. Of course all rooms are equipped up to modern standards.



For reservation please contact:


                               E-mail:     kontakt@villa-ingrid.com


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Herzlich willkommen
in der Villa Ingrid!

Die historischen  Veranstaltungsräume dieser denkmalgeschützten Villa, eine Cafeteria, ein Kaminzimmer, eine Bibliothek und der großzügige, parkähnliche Garten bieten unseren Gästen eine besondere Atmosphäre für Kreativität, Konzentration und Entspannung.

Moderne Technik und individuelle Betreuung sorgen für einen reibungslosen Ablauf Ihrer Veranstaltung. Sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten im Haus bieten Ausgleich und Entspannung. 

Wir beraten Sie gern und stellen nach Wunsch Menüs und Buffets sowie ein Begleitprogramm zusammen.

Wir wollen Ihren Aufenthalt bei uns zu einem besonderen Erlebnis machen. 
Ich freue mich auf Ihren Besuch und auf  eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit.

Cornelia Hoppe

Sie möchten eine Veranstaltung organisieren oder ein Zimmer buchen? Wir nehmen Ihre Anfragen gerne entgegen und helfen Ihnen bei der Planung und Durchführung.


Tel.-Nr.:    0163 5100 402  

E-mail:     kontakt@villa-ingrid.com